Thursday, September 21, 2023

Summer Swoon


by the seaside

one last time  

oceans release

gulf stream heat

the season retreats




all too soon 

with nothing 

left between

us a secret

story about

the glory

and the


the wonder

of  it all

Saturday, July 29, 2023

It Happened on a Summer Day

Heavy skies 

later summer's day

winds pick up 

across the bay

tide creeps in

white-breasted birds

fly off from a wire

suddenly the world 

turns upside down

all is not what it seems

what to believe in this

time and space 

still looking for grace 

for wisdom for 

the key to reality

as thunder rumbles

across the sea 

on gravitational waves 

of tranquility and peace

Saturday, July 22, 2023

I Remember Tony

Sunday dinners 

playing songbook songs

sung by Tony B. 

thanks for the memories

and all that jazz

jamming with Bill Evans

Sharon and all the rest

or with Ellington's band

at Westbury 

in the round

who knew Tony 

had the blues

left over from the war

nearly led to his demise

until he had a reprise

to find a new audience

to keep the Great American

Songbook alive though

he's been long gone 

from the stage 

and now this life 

I remember Tony

never say goodbye

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Summer Sirens

Breezes off the bay

carry songs of  

eternal youth

saying come with us

across the distant seas

a peaceful place for

everyone under the sun

the apogee of this

moment where everything

stands still as if in a 

dream in the dawn

of time out of mind

as silent voices rise

of summer sirens

Sunday, April 30, 2023

Sky Falls

Sky falls of rain

coming down again

off in the distance

storm clouds gather

on the outskirts 

of town where 

something lingers

in the shadows

of the night

faint sounds 

of sonatas

and hosannas

to the One 

when all else fails

as sky falls of rain

come down again

Sunday, April 16, 2023

All New Sutra

Living in the light

shining within

the heart and soul

hold the truth

a telltale sign

of the universal mind

where reason reins

a quantum scheme 

plain to see

reality unfold

in geometric designs

in the fabric of time

beyond the pearly gates

where entropy 

awaits all things 

in space

Monday, March 20, 2023

A Love Sublime

Energy and matter

convert to one another

as if a love sublime 

making waves while

little chills and fevers 

of pleasure ripple down 

my spine every time

you're by my side

here in spacetime

where dreams carry 

us away into 

the universal mind

back down roads 

and roads 

singing songs of 

salvation and surrender 

to a love sublime

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Falling Stars

Icons falling all around

like stars over Alabama

Oh, to write a standard line

like Johnny Mercer 

or sing like Sinatra 

would you hear my voice

in the still of the night

as the shadow of 

your smile lingers 

in the rarified air

over the moon 

beyond heaven's gate 

where love lies 

waiting to be found  

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Savasana Blues

Lying in Savasana

under the winter sun

mindful of  the one 

true glory of it all 

another secret story

waiting to unfold

like cold rain and snow

sung so long ago

another time and place

lost without a trace

where memories linger

as if an empty page

waiting to be written

in the book of life

of love and happiness

ours for the taking

once we awaken

to ringing bells 

reminding us

to love one another

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Empty Space

The space between us

the stuff of life

separating you and me

distant particles 

across the galaxy

spooky action and all

so fundamental 

muons, bosons, and quarks

shooting out sparks

of consciousness

here on earth

the place of our birth

where fate awaits

beyond the empty 

space between us

Friday, January 20, 2023

Random Thoughts Of Constellations

The hunter prances 

under a crescent moon 

quivers in tow while 

further down the road 

in the real gone world 

guitar gods are mere mortals

playing something like

cause we've ended as lovers

in perfect three-part harmony

when all is said and done 

the bells ring for everyone 

under the sun subatomic

particles are all there is

the stuff of life across

the expansive universe

with many mansions

to rest our weary

hearts and minds from

these random thoughts 

of constellations

Saturday, January 7, 2023


Winter night sky 

putting on a show

Saturn Jupiter and Mars

all in a row 

tugging at my soul

meanwhile thinking about

the wonder of it all

the mystery of life

of faith 

of eternity

the laws of entropy

what to believe

a cosmic reality

for all to see

perfect harmony

in the shadows 

of moonlight

roundabout midnight

a peaceful paradise

for you and me

Sunday, February 20, 2022


Looking for grace

in the time of corona

to save the people

a return back liberty

to live more freely



when the truth

can be spoken

without fear of reprisal

and retribution

from the thought police

and media elites

posing as experts

on the wire

propagandists all

while the rest of

us mere mortals

are longing 

to be forgiven

still looking for grace

Saturday, February 12, 2022


Sitting in contemplation

seeking solace

in the universal mind

searching my heart

for signs of peace

in a world gone wrong

listening for the sound

of my inner voice

telling me what’s real

when all I hear are lies

gossip and smears

on social media

on cable news networks

on Capitol Hill

in a country run by fools

saying power to the people

but not for me and you

while down on the farm

they are spoon-feeding

the sheep political 


unable to think freely

or question authority

when all I know is

the truth is within me

I am what I am

seeking solace

sitting in contemplation

Saturday, February 5, 2022


I am taking refuge

on an Island of mind

Refuge from

the real gone world

Refuge from

lies of our leaders

Refuge from

rumors of war

Refuge from

media propaganda 

Refuge from

the plague 

Refuge from

the CDC and the CCP

Refuge from

the NFL and MLB

Refuge from

the Olympic charade 

Refuge from

the cult of personality

Refuge from 

the high-tech lynch mob

Refuge from

the lunatic fringe

I am taking refuge

taking refuge in myself

Monday, November 8, 2021

Night Falls

Venus tumbles 

into a crescent moon

won’t be long now

coming too soon

for the multitudes 

the poor huddled masses 

come all ye faithful 

heed the words 

of the master

the universal mind 

coming through you
in spectral 
light waves 

unseen to the eye

deep in the heart of us
yet we are still apart 

as if particles in space 

moving further away 

like the galaxies only

to find there was never

a reason or rhyme for

the crime of the century

the birth of the cool 

these are things worth 

wondering about 

the wonder of it all 

as night falls 

Monday, September 27, 2021

Autumn Swoon

September swoons

as summer fades

flags whipping in

the winds of change

above the night sky

Venus remains

suspended as if

in a purgatorial state

like me and you

before the fall and

the winter of our

discontent coming

far too soon

Monday, July 19, 2021


Time is essentially


photons in motion

traveling at the speed

of light

experience no time

in their existence

never changing

for time slows as

objects approach


and time stops

for photons


a tiny molecule traveling from

the edge of the

cosmos in the

moment it was born

in the form of an atom

a particle in the beginning

after the bang it wasn't its

motion that made time but the changes going

on around and around


by countless photons

coming into and out of

existence within all the

other countless forms

for time does not

need a mind

it is only a process

of change

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Yogi: Slight Return

In my last entry about Yoga, I was struggling to get back to my mat after a bicycle accident in the summer of 2020 left me with 4 fractured ribs.

I finally returned to practicing in April when I twisted my ankle doing yard work and damaged a ligament, ouch. My ankle has only just begun to feel normal. And we've only just begun to smile again now that the pandemic is almost under control. 

Or is it? 

Anyway, I had to pause until my ankle healed enough to sustain poses. Though I restarted a few weeks ago, I am not the Yogi I once was (more like Boo-Boo perhaps). 

As I've mentioned, I don't buy into the whole Yogi trip, and I am not seeking enlightenment (how arrogant). My practice is simply aimed at enhancing my strength, flexibility, and balance -- and staving off the inevitable decline of aging.

With that in mind, I was dismayed after reading an article by a self-proclaimed "Yogi" ranting about the racism and cultural appropriation in American Yoga. It’s everywhere apparently.

The last thing anyone needs is more commentary on the debate over systemic racism. But my perception is that most of us are people of goodwill who hold no animus toward anyone based on race or any characteristic. Of course, I can’t speak for the haters and yahoos out there.

As for our nation's checkered history, we've come a long way, and there are still many rivers to cross.  We are far from a perfect union, but some folks out there seem to have forgotten the American Civil War, the Civil Rights Movement, and decades of federal and state anti-discrimination laws on the books.

And all this wailing and gnashing of teeth on both the left and the right seems like manufactured (and well-financed) rage. Meanwhile, the pandemic has claimed 600,000 Americans and 4 million people around the world.

Yet we still have no explanation for the origins of Covid-19. We’ve been told all along by so-called scientists that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was a zoonotic spillover from a bat to an exotic animal to humans.

But Chinese authorities examined thousands of species and found no evidence of the virus. By contrast, the animals that transmitted SARS-CoV-1 and MERS were found within months: palm civets (a cat-like creature) and camels, respectively.

Now, there’s a growing narrative that Covid leaked from a lab in Wuhan where “gain of function” research on bat coronaviruses was being conducted, funded in part by the NIH. But there’s still no "smoking bat," no bi-partisan Congressional investigation, and no accountability.

Something is seriously wrong. And not being able to have an intelligent conversation about this or much of anything else these days is even more wrong. Whatever happened to the marketplace of ideas…and free speech? 

Previously, this blog featured political satire in good clean fun. Now, people on both sides of the aisle are crazy. In any case, it’s not about parties or personalities, but rather public policy and how our resources (tax revenue) should be allocated, which leaves plenty of room for robust debate.

Abraham Lincoln quoted from the Bible when he said, “a nation divided against itself cannot stand.” Sadly, he was right. 

If nothing else, the Covid-19 pandemic is a reminder that time and people are precious. Let's use our time wisely and treat each other kindly. In the meantime, the best thing for me to do is get back to my yoga mat.

Monday, May 24, 2021

Flower Moon Blues

Waiting on the flower moon waiting to swoon 

could it be true for me and you to see the light 

in the heat of the moment under the sun when

all is said and done and what has begun to carry

us way what shall we do to make a brand new day

show me the way back to your heart beating in 

the dark in the wee small hours only the lonely know 

lying there awake with no particular place to go as if 

in a song from another time and space going round

and round again and rounder as we go so low you 

can hardly hear it, think it or believe until you finally 

see it rising in western skies the super flower moon