Thursday, March 15, 2018

Free Verse #2

Since I blew mind on jazz nothing seems the same
all has faded as if forgotten memories at the edge
of space-time or another frontier of black keys on
a player piano or angels on a reel to reel singing
sad refrains of songs that remain on earth’s radio
from station to station to carry the cross over
streets of despair where no one cares for concerts
at Koln a real gone world for those hearing melodies
at night of lost sonneteers in a sultry mood like
Mingus, Monk or Miles or a baroque composition on
a lonesome violin playing at the end of the universe
or is it the beginning or maybe a few of my favorite
things blown from the horn of John Coltrane remember
a song of Solomon a song for you way down yonder in
a minor key where I can sample with the best of them
see what you can do when you let go of the past and
embrace divinity in this holy eternal moment now free
verses in rag time, Ah Um, Be Bop, and all that jazz

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