Saturday, March 9, 2019


Considering every imaginable point of view
when in doubt choose delight thinking about
these and many other things on the last day
of eternity when we will live as one free from
all anxiety ultimately the path to victory requires
sacrifice in the refuge of fate until we find our
destiny across the great divide over the seas
of mind to where it all began before we were
born in the cradle of heaven under the sun in
hearts of fire that flood the night bright light
oh, starry, starry night hosannas and hallelujahs
are all that we can offer to the One if there be
one God only knows or so the story goes so let’s
turn the page on sin and redemption be still
becoming is only beginning early every morning
the start of something new though it seems
the same who knows what tomorrow will bring
for you and me let the mystery be until we meet
again and try to understand what it’s all about

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