Friday, October 4, 2019

Word Games

This blog was launched one October several or more years ago. Now in its 5th iteration, this project was originally suggested by the editor of a now defunct magazine who rejected some of my work, saying it was not ready for prime time. Blogging, she said, would serve as a platform to get my material out there while I honed my craft.

Since then, social media has exploded, blog posts are everywhere and everyone thinks they’re a writer, yet another internet myth – much like many contemporary so-called “singers” who lean on auto tuning.

While some early work was re-positioned in old media, it must’ve been beginners luck. After that came years of freelance work, living hand to mouth; and that’s no way to live. Eventually, I landed a full-time gig as a legal marketing writer. It's not been very lucrative, but it keeps me off the street.

The reality of the situation, however, is that digital marketing content is designed for robots that run on algorithms created by the evil empire Google – a/k/a Big Brother (he's watching you right now).

It is disheartening to regurgitate 3,000 words a day or so knowing your audience is a heartless machine. Surely, individuals searching the web for legal info may find it, but content writing comes with no bylines – it’s either anonymous or ghost written under the name of a client, one who probably can’t write.

This doesn’t make for an enticing portfolio or very sexy reading either. Then again, bringing sexy back is up to you. But I digress.

So my faithful audience may wonder why I keep going. The answer is simple: a writer writes no matter what.

And it’s not above love. I don’t “love” writing – love is for people, not places, gadgets, technology or other things. And you can't love someone who doesn't love you back, that's an emotional mind trip. Besides, what’s love got to do with it?

Based on the results thus far, it is questionable how successful this venture has been. Nonetheless, there aint no stopping now. If nothing else, keeping this blog alive justifies my workaday existence, though circumnavigating the childish tom foolery of insecure back biters is tiresome. Of course, workplace dysfunction is not uncommon, agreed?

The good news is that writing day in day out has enhanced my writing skills and kept my mind sharp, which comes in handy when you’re dealing with younger workers – but let’s refrain from using the term millennial, which is just another bullshit marketing label.

Isn’t it ironic that a marketing writer thinks marketing tags are bullshit? Another digression….

Long before “blogging” I spent years toiling away writing poetry, songs and essays in anonymity. It was mostly a moonlight mission since I was on a checkered career path that got derailed by the Great Recession. Feeling the end was at hand back then, I pulled the plug on the financial business and threw my hat into the ring of this writing game.

And words, like Rap, are just another game, trust me.

In the days between, my life's work – journals, notepads filled with offbeat ideas, song lyrics, and such, along with lots of other “stuff” – was lost in Hurricane Sandy. Needless to say, it was best to forget about all that and keep keeping on.

So, here I am, cranking out esoteric free verse and essays that now and then strike a chord. In fact, an old acquaintance whom I’ve not seen or heard from in years chimed in to say one of my verses was beautiful. A small victory, but I’ll take it.

Recently, I shared this space with a colleague who asked whether I had ever tried sending pieces to real publishers. The obvious answer was and is yes, and we are still waiting on a byline; any day now, any day.

In the meantime, I am compelled to keep this blog alive come hell or high water, and we’ve already had plenty of both… and rain, indeed. So, stick with me friends and read between the lines for my work is not about me – it’s down to you, and your support is much appreciated.

Until next time, peace be with you.

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